Andrea Knezović
Andrea Knezović is a visual artist, researcher and writer with an MRes in Artistic Research from the University of Amsterdam and a BA from the AVA-Academy of Visual Arts Ljubljana. Her artistic practice plays with semiotics and dialectics of value by examining — through poetic gesturing — correlations between institutional and identity politics.
Knezović’s research interests centre around the politics of care, its institutional implications and its mythological aspect. Her practice can be understood as a close reading of subversive, liminal landscapes in which the individual negotiates the ideological mechanisms of cognitive capitalism within a wider socio-political framework. She investigates various identity protocols by probing different systems of self-care, strategies for re-imagining institutional mythologies and collective psycho-cultural health. One of Knezović’s continuous artistic pursuits examines how we can through creative experimentation, non-canonized educational methodologies and trans-cultural dialogue create better institutional and intimate care infrastructure. She uses speculative fiction as a forensic method to excavate and design research narratives.
Knezović is a chair of the board of the Salwa Foundation and co-founder and artistic director of the art & research programme at MARC Foundation. She contributed to various discursive journals including Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) – Thresholds Journal, Lish Journal London, University of Amsterdam Simulacrum Jurnal- Tijdschrift voor kunst en cultuur and Biennale of Young Artists of Europe and Mediterranean (Young Slovenian Artists). She exhibited in places such as the Museum of Contemporary art Ljubljana (SI), Cukrarna Gallery & Museum (SI), Keller Gallery MIT (USA), Nieuw Dakota (NL), 12 Star Gallery London (UK), The Israeli Center for Digital Arts (IL), Kiribati National Museum and Cultural Centre (KIRI), Marx Halle Vienna (AT), Škuc Gallery (SI) and others. Her works are part of the SCCA-DIVA Archive collection. In 2013 and 2015, she was nominated for the Essl Art Award.