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Esmée Bruins

When I was younger I would go outside to collect snails, stones, glass, anything I would come across. After collecting these (living) objects I would take them home. My works revolve around remembering and revisiting my childhood, through (found) material and images. These works or rather documents of memories are situated in tactile works using fabric, plaster, tin and wood, textures rather familiar from my childhood home. The works are reminiscent of my growing up, but also introduce a way of seeing. One that is focussed on discovery, like a child discovering their environment for the first time.


  • Mapping (12)
    Mapping (12)
    Overhead projector
  • Publication about rabbits and my rabbit.
    Publication about rabbits and my rabbit.
  • Work for the exhibition 'Two Windows Opening Inwards'
    Work for the exhibition 'Two Windows Opening Inwards'