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Halla Einarsdóttir

Halla Einarsdóttir (1991, Reykjavík, Iceland) lives and works in Rotterdam where she completed her MFA at the Piet Zwart Institute. Prior to that she obtained her BA in graphic design from The Gerrit Rietveld Academie in Amsterdam. Working with performances, installations, sculptures, sound etc., the multidisciplinary aspect of Halla’s practice is integral to her ongoing mapping of multiple narratives for the sake of resisting any endeavours by the presiding hegemony to monologise meaning, histories and perspectives. Practising as a sort of ‘historian of the multitude’ she employs various modes of narration by cobbling, crafting and rubbing together source materials and allowing them to feed her materiality and overall delivery.

  • Borborygmus
  • Cochineal, Cinnabar
    Cochineal, Cinnabar
  • We've Come Back From Always
    We've Come Back From Always