Lih-Lan Wong
Lih-Lan Wong is director and co-owner of No Man’s Art Gallery in Amsterdam. NMAG works primarily with emerging artists, providing an internationally orientated gallery programme. Every year, NMAG opens a pop-up gallery in another country with the mission to enable access to foreign art markets to artists early in their career so that any circumstances that limit their professional trajectory at home might be mitigated. Pop-up galleries opened in Cape Town, Amsterdam, Hamburg, Mumbai, Paris, Copenhagen, Rotterdam, Shanghai, Tehran and Mexico City. Next to No Man’s Art Gallery, Lih-Lan is co-owner of NMAG & de bar, a restaurant based in Amsterdam West.
Lih-Lan Wong holds an MA in Art History and was previously involved in exhibition making at EYE film museum, W139 and the Moengo Biennale in Surinam.